How To Make A Toy For Girls: Take Gender-Neutral Toy, Add Fairies And...
Eww, fake fishies! As a child, did you ever have one of those magnetic fishing games where plastic fishes’ mouths snap open and shut and you try to snag them with a magnet? I had one, and I enjoyed...
View ArticleCustomers Revolt, Make U.K. Pharmacy Chain Stop Sorting Toys By Gender
Early on, kids don’t care very much about what they’re supposed to enjoy playing with. Sometimes boys play with trucks, and girls play with sparkly magic wands. It bothers some people when toys are...
View ArticleWhy Is LEGO Offering Beauty Tips To Little Girls?
Two years ago, a LEGO Friends salon playset took one of the top dishonors in the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood’s annual “worst products” list. The organization called the set “so jam-packed...
View ArticleWhy Do Women Pay More Money For The Same Stuff?
It starts with toys and baby clothes, and continues for the rest of our lives: items that seem identical have different prices according to which gender they’re marketed to. We take this for granted,...
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